Tag Archive for: NG Partners

New solution to scan and archive data

Discover the newest article on electronic archiving, released the 25th of September 2015, by the “Lëtzebuerger Journal”.

Labgroup from Contern and NG partners/Xerox have developed a new solution which enables the companies to scan data at their premises and to archive them securely at Labgroup. This solution, “made in Luxembourg”, will focus on small- and medium-sized businesses but will also interest the Big 4. The solution fulfils the requirements of the new law of the 25th July 2015, which introduces a new e-archiving framework. Labgroup is currently a candidate for the status “Digitalization and Archiving Service Provider” (PSDC), which will only be recognized after a certification process. The “e-Docubank” will be available from today on.

Labgroup has already been certified to ISO 27001. The common solutions have been, until now, that the documents were collected and scanned by Labgroup before being destroyed.

Labgroup and NG Partners/Xerox mobilise their combined expertise to assist customers in the archiving of their documents to achieve equivalent probative value (PSDC).

Stéphane Nonnweiler, Managing Director of NG Partners – Xerox dealer in Luxembourg – and Bernard Moreau, CEO of Labgroup, unveiled this Thursday 24th September 2015 the benefits of their combined competencies in electronic archiving.

Together, the two associates propose a concrete and global offer which goes from the dematerialisation to the destruction of documents, through to electronic document management and the integrated conservation of the electronic archives.

NG Partners/Xerox, specialised in printing and document management and Labgroup, natural candidate for PSDC having been a third party archiver for 38 years, have already defined a strategy concerning the adoption of the law of the 25th of July 2015 relative to electronic archiving.

This new law acknowledges the probative value of electronic copies of paper documents that therefore allows their destruction, and creates the PSDC status (Dematerialisation and Archiving Service Provider). The electronic archives, created and maintained by a certified company, benefit from the same legal value as the original document.

Companies can benefit from these advances in the law, enabling their users to:

  • scan the documents easily on a multifunctional device (preferably XEROX!),
  • OCR-process and index automatically the documents to ease future research,
  • transfer confidentially the electronic copies to Labgroup for secure archiving, probative archiving or for archiving of evidentiary value,
  • manage electronically all documents,
  • find easily archived documents thanks to a research engine such as Google
  • defend effectively your interests in case of litigation by producing the substantiating documents.

Furthermore, users will be able to continue to digitize paper documents without any need of change, the benefits of this solution offered by NG Partners/Xerox and Labgroup are numerous:

  • secure dematerialization of the information flow
  • increased compliance and guaranteed traceability
  • time savings in the research of information
  • greater productivity compared to classic methods

About Labgroup

Labgroup is a Luxembourg-based company that offers information management and archiving services to businesses in the financial and insurance sectors and to administrations and businesses from other sectors. Labgroup’s range of services includes digitising paper documents, storing and destroying physical archives, capturing and conserving electronic archives, protecting and restoring data, preserving IT media and giving consulting services and training. Labgroup also has offices in Ireland and Gibraltar. As a Financial Sector Professional (PSF), Labgroup is monitored by the Luxembourg Financial Services Supervisory Authority (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, CSSF). Labgroup is ISO 9001 and ISO 27001:2005 certified and will soon acquire PSDC status.


Press pack English and French: www.labgroup.com/pr or attached
NG Partners : www.ngpartners.lu

Lab Luxembourg S.A.
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L-5326 Contern

T +352 350 222 1
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